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Let's get you into something nice
Check out the latest trends in our Sunglasses for Women collection
Today is an exciting day! For both the DIFF team and our partner Kelsey Sabo, as we enter a new phase of charitable initiatives. Together we have been working for over six months to develop this program and although we are far from finished today is the day that it all truly begins. We are calling this new initiative “The Sabo Project”, in honor of Kelsey Sabo and all the work she has done over in Uganda to make this happen.
The Pouch Program is the most innovative project we have developed to date in regards to The Sabo Project and our charitable missions in general. The goal of our “Pouch Program” is to fund the development and provide resources for a new school in Uganda that does not enforce corporal punishment and focus on the health/well being of the student body. Our charity partner Kelsey moved to Uganda in 2014 as a Peace Corp Volunteer. She has decided to extend her time there to continue educating her pupils and help facilitate the execution of initiatives within the Sabo Project.
Currently she works at Awandiri Primary School teaching literacy and english. At this government funded school corporal/physical punishment is heavily enforced. When I asked her what type of abuse these pupils faced, she expressed that one of the students was missing an eye as a result of this type of discipline. Kelsey, along with a few of her colleagues, are against this type of teaching style and decided that they could not change people and culture. Instead they decided to find people that believed as they did, and partner with DIFF to make a new reality. The goal is to create a positive and healthy environment for students to learn and thrive.
Already in the early stages of this program we have been able to accomplish so much. A new administration building, electricity, windows, locks, a working computer lab, a library, health programs, and more. With the help of DIFF supporters we can continue to be the DIFFerence in the lives of many. Pick up your favorite pouch today. For more information please check out Kelsey’s blog @ http://sabeoh.tumblr.com/
Also, take a look at our charity page “The Sabo Project” here, https://www.diffeyewear.com/pages/charity#kelsey to see a visual of how the program works.
Thank you and stay tuned!